What is Extra Care Housing?
People who live in Extra Care Housing have their own self contained homes, their own front doors and a legal right to occupy the property. In addition, someone is on site to help 24 hours every day.
Some are apartments or bungalows designed for older people but with limited services on site. There may be a warden on site for a few hours a week but otherwise residents fend for themselves.
Extra-Care developments, on the other hand, will have communal facilities such as restaurants, cafes, a communal lounge or a fitness suite and may have staff on site 24/7. They may also be registered with CQC to provide personal care.
Extra Care Housing has been marketed under different names by different companies. For example, it also known as very sheltered housing, assisted living or simply as “housing with care”. It comes in many built forms, including blocks of flats, bungalow estates and retirement villages. It is a popular choice among older people because, for many, it provides an alternative to a care home.
In addition to the communal facilities often found in conventional sheltered housing (residents’ lounge, guest suite, laundry), Extra Care developments will include a restaurant or dining room and there will be a meal available every day.
There may also be health & fitness facilities, hobby rooms and computer rooms. Domestic support and personal care are available, usually provided by on-site staff. Properties in Extra-Care developments can be rented, owned or part owned.
Because this type of accommodation has been marketed under numerous names, the Department of Health has used the term ‘ Extra Care ‘ as its standard terminology. The Department is a strong supporter of this type of retirement living because it is better for people and better for the State.